February 24, 2005

RNC's New Glass Headquarters

It's old news by now, but the Republican National Committee sent an early Valentine's Day present to Senator Reid earlier this month in the form of a research paper titled "Who is Harry Reid?" The collection of quotes is valid, but some of the attacks hit a little too close to home for the Grand Old Party.

One section accuses the venerable Nevadan of being "out of touch with mainstream America" because he lives in a $750,000 condo in the Ritz Carlton in Foggy Bottom. Problem is, they're not looking in the mirror too closely: Reid's counterpart on the right owns a multi-million dollar home in Washington and commutes to work on a private family jet.

There's nothing wrong with Frist's wealth, or with Reid's $.75 million condo. But if the RNC is going to make arguments, at least make ones that hold water. Errr, Evian.
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