October 06, 2004

Grand Marshal of the Cheney Pride Parade?

There's mixed reaction to Senator Edwards' unprovoked invocation of Mary Cheney during last night's debate? The best defense CNN's Paul Begala could come up with this morning was that moderator Gwen Ifill "opened the door" by saying that Cheney "used [his] family's experience as a context for [his] remarks" on gay marriage during the 2000 Vice Presidential election.

Edwards made a point of noting that "you can't have anything but respect for the fact that they're willing to talk about the fact that they have a gay daughter, the fact that they embrace her." Vice President Cheney, while he did bring his daughter into the debate in 2000, did not mention her once in last night's contest, except to thank Senator Edwards for the "kind words he said about my family and our daughter."

While it would be a stretch to say that Edwards trying to draw Mary Cheney into the fray to somehow hurt the Veep with his ultra-conservative base, his commentary on Mr. Cheney's family was certainly off the mark, and has struck many folks as over the line.

Even Begala: "I don't like talking about anybody's kids."
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