October 26, 2004

Finally, some compassionate conservatism

President Bush declared his support for state-based civil unions on this morning's Good Morning America, the New York Times reports. Additionally, the President indicated that he was open to the "possibility that nature could be the defining component when it comes to a person's sexual preference," softening his original response to the same question in the third Presidential Debate.

Not to scare the fundies, however, the President made sure to reiterate his feeling that the Marriage Protection Amendment is the only way to protect marriage between a man and a woman, and once again threw his full support behind the proposal. Still, this marks a softening of the President's rhetoric on this touchy issue, perhaps in an effort to assuage moderates' fears that the Chief Executive is too deep in the pocket of the religious right-wing of the party.

We'll find out in a week if these concessions will do anything for the President in the polls, but in the last seven days, every faction counts - as long as it can be done quietly enough so as not to eviscerate the hopes of the religious zealots he needs to win.

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