October 10, 2004

Fight... for [states'] rights... to party!

NBC's Meet the Press this morning put U.S. Senate candidate Pete Coors in the hotseat, forcing his answer to several questions pitting Pete Coors, former chair of Coors Brewing Company versus Pete Coors, candidate for U.S. Senate. Tim Russert questioned Coors' assertion that he would support lowering Colorado's drinking age to 18; Coors responded by noting that the Constitution made the drinking age a "state issue," and that it was inappropriate for the federal government "to come in and tell the states what their drinking laws should be, and I still feel that way."

This certainly contrasts with his support of the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would override states' rights with respect to the definition of marriage. Perhaps if Coors sold tuxedos and wedding cakes, his opinion on protecting states' rights would be a little less malleable?
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