September 16, 2004

Schrock's shroud

When the Congress returned from its August recess last week, one Member seemingly got lost en route. Since being "outed" on Mike Rogers' ravenous blog, Congressman Ed Schrock (R-VA) has been M.I.A. from Congress, and perhaps of more direct concern to his constituents, has not shown up for any of the thirty-five votes of the past two weeks.

In spite of his absence, however, one of the five bills he's penned during this Congress was passed by the House by a vote of 385-12, even without his own vote. It should have been a celebratory milestone for the Congressman - it was the first actual bill he's ever authored that's passed the House. Hopefully, Mr. Schrock watched the proceedings on C-SPAN from the undisclosed location of his self-exile.

While the Congressman announced his retirement on August 31, he chose not to step down from his seat in the House; instead, he chose to remain as the only voice for Virginia's 2nd District in Congress. Right now, that voice is mute.

Schrock's inactions not only provide a bogus prop for the uncomely actions taken against him, they support the erroneous opinions shared by the Congressman's right-wing contemporaries that being gay means you can't be a Congressman, especially from Virginia.

While the Congressman is undoubtedly going through some trying times within his family and perhaps within himself, his obligations to the people of Virginia were not abdicated by the actions of an unscrupulous blogger. The honorable thing to do is return to Washington and continue to serve his constituency.

As the days continue to pass, that seems increasingly unlikely; perhaps his resignation is in order.

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