September 20, 2004

Congrats on your non-sham marriage

For the second time this year, Britney Spears has tied the knot; for the second time this year, self-appointed protectors of marriage have no comment, even if to commend her for marrying someone she actually loves this time.

While right wing groups continue to assure their detractors that they're not specifically against gays, but are only concerned with protecting the disintegration of marriage, they have yet to raise an eyebrow over Britney's passing acquaintance with the sanctity of the institution. In August, the Traditional Values Coalition's Andrea Lafferty went so far as to hope "she won’t be [at the GOP Convention]," but apparently not because of her marriage fiasco, but because she might have a "wardrobe malfunction" or "gyrate on stage."

Right-wing religious zealots have had a increasingly difficult time pushing their message against same-sex marriage without sounding like anti-gay bigots. They sometimes seem to forget that marriage needs protection from heterosexuals, too - and while it's clear they're willing to give carte blanche to that half of the equation, perhaps they should at least try to keep up appearances.
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