August 16, 2004

Unemployment Office, Pelosi Annex

Former Capitol Hill staffers for Democrat-turned-Republican Congressman Rodney Alexander are not yet panhandling, thanks to the generosity of their former boss' former leader. More specifically, however - thanks to the generosity of the federal taxpayer, under the stewardship of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

According to Roll Call's Heard on the Hill, the Democratic leader was so "touched by the Democratic aides’ courage" to quit en masse, has rewarded their party loyalty by giving them government cash to help their job search. No, she didn't give them a ride to the Department of Employment Services to start their weekly unemployment benefits; she put them on her payroll until such time as they find a job.

While it's Pelosi's prerogative to use her allotted federal budget as she sees fit, it's also the taxpayer's prerogative - perhaps their duty - to wonder what these folks will be doing to earn their federal payday.
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