August 09, 2004

Representative Democracy: 1; Cafferty: 0

American Morning's curmudgeonly co-host Jack Cafferty continues his tirade against Congress this week, even in their mutual absence. (Cafferty is taking time off from criticizing Congress for taking time off.) Since July 23, CNN has kept a week-daily tally of the number of days since the release of the 9/11 Commission's Report recommendations (18), contrasted with a tally of the number of the Commission's recommendations that have been adopted by Congress (zero).

Even if we forget that Congress' August recess is not just tradition, it's mandated by law, and we further forget that the break gives Congressional staffers a break from 12-15 hour days before they start the sprint to November, the thrust of the Cafferty's call is still rife with problems.

The implied suggestion is that Congress should have dropped everything and cancelled their recess in order to immediately rubber stamp the recommendations of the Commission. Cafferty clearly isn't looking for just any legislative action - his tally doesn't include the number of hearings scheduled on the Commission's recommendations (16).

The men and women who have served on the 9/11 Commission have dedicated themselves to a worthy endeavor in defense of their nation, but nonetheless are not elected representatives of the people; 6 of the 10 once were, four have never been elected. For Congress to blindly pass the Commission's recommendations would be an abdication (albeit temporary) of their powers granted by the people.

Cafferty - and other detractors - are well within their right to criticize the intense politicization of the process and the very partisan race to claim the "war on terror" issue for their side of the campaign. What they should not do, however, is demand immediate and blind acceptance of the Commission's findings - rather, let Congress do its job.

Rome wasn't built in a day. The blueprint for our nation's safety shouldn't be built in 18 or less.

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