August 04, 2004

Reagan vs. Reagan?

Searching for a wedge issue that isn't fuzzy and impossible to articulate, Democrats seem to be giving stem-cell research a try. What's so politically appealing about stem-cells? The issue isn't developed enough to be much more than a simple black and white, yes or no, up or down vote.

Slate writer Timothy Noah writes that the Republicans may respond to the Democrats' trotting-out of Ron Reagan, Jr. to the stage of their convention with a Reagan volley of their own; namely Ron's half-brother Michael, who opposes stem-cell research. What could be clearer than liberal Reagan vs. conservative Reagan? Well, actually, lots.

The Bush ban grandfathered in "about 60 viable cell lines then in existence," according to Slate, but further prohibited federal funding for any additional lines. There's certainly some fuzziness to be exploited here - Republicans can say they're not throwing out the baby with the bathwater; Democrats can say the 60 lines aren't enough to really explore the possibilities.

Neither party is taking that tack, however - at least not yet. Perhaps it's out of a mutual yearning for a black-and-white issue that voters can actually grab on to. But it won't last for long, voters better grab while the grabbin's good.
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