August 06, 2004

McCain, McCain everywhere.

Back to doing what he seems to do best, Senator John McCain has popped his head in the Presidential election again, this time in defense of the guy he's ostensibly not voting for. Coming to the aid of the Democratic nominee, the Washington Post reports the Arizona Senator has condemned a recent television ad paid for by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that questions Kerry's heroism in Vietnam.

McCain has urged the White House to publicly condemn the ads, adding that while he hopes the President's campaign isn't behind the ads, he doesn't know that for a fact. He certainly isn't on the Bush payroll with quotes like that; from a campaign perspective, there's no room for open-ended statements in this contest.

McCain has become a ubiquitous feature of the 2004 contest, starting with excessive punditry about his place on the Democratic ticket and his subsequent public endorsement of the President. If there was any question about his independent nature, he's certainly now put it to rest. McCain may be willing to do what's right for the party, but it's clear that Bush supporters don't have a blank check from the wily Senator.

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