August 09, 2004

Keyes changes his mind, just in time

Slate columnist Alexander Barnes Dryer addresses the carpetbagger issue with relation to newly-minted Illinois Republican contender Alan Keyes. Forgetting their outcry over Hillary Clinton's carpetbagging in New York in 2000, Republicans put up the two-time presidential candidate against the Democrat's new hope for the future, Barack Obama.

That's not the only forgetting going on, though. In 2000, Keyes himself criticized Clinton's run for the Senate from New York, saying he "certainly wouldn't imitate her" by running to represent a state he didn't live in, according to CNN.

After the major media splash Obama made in Boston as the Democrat's keynote speaker and the very public demise of his former opponent, Jack Ryan, Keyes has a steep uphill battle ahead. Whether Republicans will give the Illinois race the same attention in New York is yet to be seen, but I'm betting they'll fight fire with fire.

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Good point. But, uhm, next time, could we work on the phrasing?
At least it was his wife, I guess.
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