August 09, 2004

It's a perfidy! (What's a perfidy?)

House Democratic Leadership is boiling over the last-minute party switch by Louisiana Rep. Rodney Alexander. Alexander, who had filed for re-election as a Democrat last Wednesday, changed his party affiliation 48 hours later - on the last day for filing for Louisiana's 5th District.

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) called the move an act of perfidy, then thankfully provided the definition in the second paragraph of his press release. Apparently:
"Perfidy is defined as 'a deliberate breach of faith; a calculated violation of trust; treachery."
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has already started a fundraising campaign titled "Punish the Turncoat," urging people to "contribute now!" to help make Alexander's move a move to the minority.

I doubt anyone would argue that Alexander's move wasn't a sneaky one designed to operate right up to - but not cross - the legal lines of the electoral system. Will his opinions change, however? Not likely - he was already a little too conservative for some Democrats.

The main difference, obviously, is who he will cast his vote for in the majority leader election; that is, he'll now be casting his vote for DeLay. In that respect, and perhaps that respect alone, he has certainly betrayed his party. Hoyer continues:
"Congressman Alexander has solicited and has received thousands of votes and thousands of dollars based upon his representation that he was a Democrat; that he intended to serve as a Democrat; and, that he would stay a Democrat."
Has he betrayed the people, however? Depends on who you are.

Republicans and Democrats alike are focusing heavily on the importance of swing voters in the Presidential campaign - those that vote for individuals, not parties. It's interesting, then, that the folks who put Alexander over the top - the swing voters of the 5th district - are the people least likely to be upset about his switch - they've still got the individual they chose.
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