August 25, 2004

Division, unconquered

The Advocate reports that the platform folks up in New York have soundly rejected the "Unity Platform" proposed by a coalition of Republican groups consisting of the Log Cabin Republicans, Republicans for Choice, and the Republican Youth Majority. The platform would have stated recognition and respect for the fact that "Republicans of good faith may not agree with all the planks in the party's platform," especially those related to abortion or gay rights.

Still on the table for consideration, however, is a platform plank widely believed to have strong chances of passing - one that would support the President's call to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage. Cheney's lack of support for the FMA did nothing to help the Unity Platform, apparently; although the Log Cabin Republicans are now gearing up for a fight on the floor of the convention. If that fight comes to pass, it might just make this otherwise predictable event just a smidge interesting.

As the party platform continues to move to the right, however, the prime time lineup isn't following. Of the ten prime time speakers: Six are anti-FMA moderates, three are pro-FMA conservatives - and I don't even know where Rod Paige fits in.

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