August 11, 2004


The Republicans are jumping on the "look at our diversity" bandwagon and attacking the Democrats' diversity system at the same time; they even have helpful graphs. They're fairly brazen in their comparison to the Democrats, showing a graph indicating the "Percentage Increase Of Ethnically Diverse Delegates between the 2000-2004 National Conventions" between the two parties: not surprisingly, the Republicans lead the Democrats 70% to 20%.

What's wrong with this comparison? Essentially, it means the 2000 Democratic Convention was already pretty damn diverse - leaving them with little room to go up. For the Republicans, however, that's not the case - one would hope to see this type of increase.

There's another major difference between the two parties on this issue - while Republicans tout the President's "Accomplishments for America's Minorities," their definition of minority isn't exactly the same as the Dems. One minority group - gay Republicans - hasn't exactly felt proud of the President's recent accomplishments on their behalf.

The Democrats' quota system leaves a lot to be desired. (See related post.) The Republicans' relative lack of a system requiring diversity is more inline with the beliefs of the party, but it also doesn't give them much of a foundation for launching diversity attacks across the aisle.

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