July 09, 2004

Virginia is not for Sunday lovers

Governor Mark Warner called the Virginia Legislature into a special session set for next Tuesday to address the "day of rest" snafu. While he's right in doing it, the Washington Post mentions, in their last paragraph, the complete lack of interest from religious activists in the resolution of this issue.

Ironically, during a time when most religious activists are popping their political barometers over marriage and sodomy laws, the same activists don't seem to be overly concerned with the laws governing a person's ability to worship on the Sabbath in accordance with strict Biblical interpretations. Then again, the Sabbath is mentioned five chapters after sodomy - perhaps they got so riled up, they forgot to keep reading?

Virginia's Reverend Jerry Falwell, however, called the "day of rest" requirement "totally impractical" for businesses in modern times. Now, if business is the keyword, what about all those wedding planners in Massachusetts?
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