July 08, 2004

Uh oh, they might have figured it out

The Hill reports today that GOP conservatives are experiencing heartburn over their lack of public representation in the upcoming national convention, citing top-billing for centrist Republicans like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rudy Giuliani.

Conservative Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) told The Hill, “I am astonished that in an election year that is routinely described as a “base election” there will be no prime-time speakers who will give voice to the traditional moral values that bring millions of our voters to the polls.” And therein lies the GOP strategist's not-so-little secret: they'll support right-wing policies to bring in "the base," but when it comes to the very public image of the party, they'd rather put some mainstream folks on the frontlines.

RNC spokesman Leonardo Alcivar noted that the party picked moderates in order to show the "strengths and breadth of the Republican party." Current Congressman and former RNC Chief Tom Cole went a step further, saying that the delegates "want this to be what the president wants it to be."

Huh. So even George W. doesn't want wingers at the podium?

I'm not sure it could be much clearer to the right-wing: you've got your marriage amendment and abortion policies, now please be quiet before someone hears you.

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