July 01, 2004

They like him, they really, really like him.

Conservative groups in Oregon are backing their boy Nader all the way to November. And by that, let's be clear that we mean November 1. Because on November 2, they've got a date with George. CNN (along with others) is reporting that a group known as Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is calling shenanigans on the phone banking done by two right-wing groups to encourage their members to support Nader's bid to get on the ballot in the Beaver State.

Apparently, CREW thinks that the right-wing groups' phone calls should amount to in-kind contributions (of the illegal variety) to Nader. It's certainly an interesting way to look at it, though; if intentions count for anything, though, perhaps the Federal Elections Commission should take it one step further and consider the calls an illegal in-kind donation to Bush.
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