July 26, 2004

Spin it to win it?

Responding to a columnist's characterization of DNC Chief Terry McAuliffe as one of the "Most Dangerous People in America," the DNC big wig sat down with gay newsmagazine the Advocate for an interview to clear the air. His talking points were rather restrictive, however.

McAuliffe reiterated his nominee's position that marriage is between a man and a woman, a view shared by running mate John Edwards. However, in response to the very pointed question of whether a Kerry/Edwards Administration would support (as Edwards does) the federal government providing marriage benefits to couples in Massachusetts (where same-sex marriage is now legal), McAuliffe dodged. "I think we have to leave it up to the states," answered the DNC Chief. Huh?

Interviewer Fred Kuhr pressed on, asking:
But does the Democratic Party support the federal government recognizing legal marriages between same-sex couples now that Massachusetts has decided that such marriages are legal?
John Kerry’s point right now is to leave it up to the states, let the states decide. I don’t want this election to come down to issues where Republicans try to divide Americans, and that’s what they’re trying to do with this issue. You’ve got to ask members of the GLBT community to look at the issues that this party has fought for for their community versus the Republicans. The Federal Marriage Amendment is dead in the [Senate] for now, but what happens after the election, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Right. So, on the issue of the whether the federal government should acknowledge the states' decisions on marriage, the Democratic position is to... let the states decide? Talking points are fine, but the DNC should at least make sure their spin makes sense.
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