July 07, 2004

Some of these kids are not like the others...

The Campaign to Protect the Constitution ran a full page ad in Roll Call this morning to oppose the impending vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment - which wouldn't be all that interesting if it weren't for the seven Presidential children and one presidential grandchild attached to it.

Ron Reagan, Jr., Jack, Chip, Jeff & Amy Carter, Lynda Johnson Robb, Luci Baines Johnson, and Anna Eleanor Roosevelt joined together to oppose the amendment, albeit sans their many of their most noteworthy counterparts, including Jeb, George, Chelsea, Jenna and Barbara. Then again, one of them has made his feelings known in other ways.

Ron Reagan is certainly the headliner for this well placed effort; with all due respect to the rest of the kids, many of them must have seen this ad as a great opportunity to remind the public that they're... well, not dead.
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