July 26, 2004

Republicans at glass podiums...

Today marked the kick-off of both the Democratic National Convention and the GOP response, highlighted by a website called DemsExtremeMakeover.com. The website is one component of a response campaign engineered by the Republican National Committee, aimed at revealing what the RNC views as the mainstreaming of the Democratic Party during the public convention.

While their site is not surprisingly full of campaign propaganda (it will likely get more rhetorical as the convention continues) it also seems to be a glass house full of stones to be thrown. Five weeks from now, the Republicans are planning the same type of convention (and likely, the Democrats are planning the same countermeasures) designed to moderate the public view of the party. The majority of the RNC's prime time lineup is overwhelmingly moderate - much to the distress of the party's right wing.

GOP leadership is clearly counting on the fact that the five weeks between conventions will give them enough time to rebuild their glass house.

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