July 13, 2004

Look at our (mandated) rainbow!

While perusing the Democratic Convention website, I ran across this link to an article touting the diversity of this year's Democratic Convention. The portion of the article posted on the DNC's site reads:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Minorities will be represented in record numbers among the delegates to this month's Democratic National Convention in Boston, convention organizers said Wednesday.
How great is that? Now, those visitors who visit the full article will find a more complete reporting on the why.

It's no secret the Democratic Party has mandated that each state develop a plan to ensure diversity. These plans set "goals" for participation through a broad list of categories including gender, race, ethnicity, and in some states, sexual orientation. The national party is quick to note that these are goals - not quotas - but that's not always the way it plays out at the state level.

In many states, these "goals" become "slots" to be filled and many times, the badges are handed to people who best fit into one of these slots. No state wants to be known for having a majority-white or majority-male delegation - and goals are made to be achieved, right?

While the Republican Convention will look far less diverse than their Democratic counterparts, the minority representatives who are there will at least know that they're not filling a slot.
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