July 12, 2004

Independent voters get two conventions this year

Not to be out done by Republicans when it comes to Convention headliners that appeal to the center, the Kerry Campaign leaked the fact that a Reagan will take the spotlight during this month's Democratic Convention in Boston. Ron Reagan, Jr., CNN reports, will address the convention on the issue of stem cell research; Christopher Reeve and Michael J. Fox were reportedly A) unavailable or B) not the son of a conservative icon (nyah, nyah Republicans we'd like to see you top this.)

The unnamed Kerry adviser who sprung the leak indicated that this speech shows that the Democratic Party "won't put ideology in front of sound science and let politics get in the way of what is best for the American people." It apparently also shows that all of the actual policy experts in the area of stem cell research were either A) unavailable or B) not the son of a conservative icon (nyah, nyah Republicans we'd like to see you top this.)

The Republicans are left (pun intended) hoping their "we're moderate, really" line-up of Rudy Giuliani and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be sufficient to counter the Democratic volley. Sources in the party responded to the Reagan, Jr. announcement by saying they're not surprised a liberal is addressing the Convention, pointing out that Democratic Senator Zell Miller will be addressing the GOP gathering, which "would resonate more with independents" than Reagan, according to CNN.

With no offense intended to the Democratic (but just barely) Georgian, unless he changes his last name to Clinton in the next two months, he won't exactly have the same big-name draw as the gipper's boy.

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