July 03, 2004

Good point. But, uhm, next time, could we work on the phrasing?

Would-be-but-isn't candidate Jack Ryan responded recently to the folks who demanded his divorce records. ABC News noted that "Ryan, 44, defended himself, telling ABC News' John Stossel, 'I think we need more people going to Washington, D.C., who want to engage in marital relations with their wives. I think that's a good thing for this country, not a bad thing.'"

Okay. Regardless of the fact that I'm feeling pretty good about the headline of my original post (see below) on this subject, it was meant as a ludicrous joke. The fact that this is Ryan's defense is pretty weak. As I said before, he shouldn't have had to face this in the first place (the Kerry Campaign agrees, I believe), but is this really the best line he could come up with to address the situation?

I can't help but agree with Ryan - Washington's political denizens don't have a good reputation for fidelity, but it's not a good day in DC when "sex club life" masquerades as "north" on the moral compass.

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At least it was his wife, I guess.
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