July 07, 2004

Blah, blah, unity. Now, can we get back to Edwards?

I bet John McCain wishes he had enjoyed this much attention four years ago when he was vying for the top spot himself. Regardless, the media, and now the Republicans, can't stop thinking about the Arizona Senator. The GOP is jumping up and down to remind people that Kerry's "first choice" for a running mate was a stalwart GOPer, and Kerry's VP searchmeister Jim Johnson is busy downplaying the role McCain played in the search.

This morning, Johnson told CNN's Bill Hemmer that there was "a lot of interest in the concept of a unity ticket," but that they never got to a serious stage, and that Edwards was the only offer made.

This has got to die down soon, right? Although maybe if everyone stopped writing about it, that would help. Eh. Forget I said anything.

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