June 17, 2004

Tucker? I don't even know her!

This Friday on PBS, Tucker Carlson launches his new show, "Tucker Carlson: Unfiltered." During an online chat with the Washington Post, Tucker peddles his wares, sounding much less like his Crossfire persona and more like someone that I wouldn't completely hate to be stuck in an elevator with.

On the subject of partisan politics, Tucker opines that "neither party seems to take its own ideas very seriously," while pointing out that he is still a conservative, "which is one of the reasons I often have trouble defending Bush."

A few weeks ago, I explored the idea of doing a Crossfire-inspired column with an "other side of the aisle but just barely" friend of mine. Turns out, neither of us had a desire to take the extreme side of either of our partisan identities, and the prospective column stalled.

Not that there's anything wrong with doing that, mind you; Crossfire is good entertainment, but if this new show is any indication, Tucker might just want to be Tucker.
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