June 10, 2004

RUN! to the nearest sensible evacuation plan

Everytime Capitol Hill has a false alarm, the Capitol Police get a chance to show how NOT prepared they are to deal with a major threat to the Capitol. Less than two hours before President Reagan's funeral procession was set to begin, the political protectors were alerted to a breach of restricted airspace and subsequently initiated what I can only assume was their amazingly strange emergency plan for evacuation.

A plan that involved such notable quotes (sub. req.) as “get the [expletive] out, there’s a plane, two minutes” from the highly trained Capitol cops. Right.

Evacuated Hill denziens told stories about staffers running down stairs, yelling frantic and eerily final cell phone "I love yous" to equally freaked parents as Capitol Police yelled at them about an impending "impact" and for staffers to simply "RUN SOUTH!"

Now, one might think that of ALL the emergency plans that might exist for the Capitol, a plane striking a building might, just might be on the list. If "JUST F---ING RUN SOUTH!" was the plan, they might want to revisit.

Kudos to the CapCops on getting people out of harm's way, but the procedure left some staffers wondering why that particular evac plan wasn't in the training manual.
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