June 09, 2004

Is the Reagan, is not the Reagan...

Two pieces out of the Capital today, as Washington's political colors start to eek through the veneer of bipartisan mourning.

CQ Today (get your own damn subscription) reports this morning on the Democrats and their tributes to President Reagan, highlighting the former leader's qualities that they say differ from the party's current standard-bearer. Specifically - pragmatism and respect for the other side. Tom Daschle told reporters he would "have a hard time imagining President Bush" demonstrating Reagan-esce civility. It's totally cool, though, because if it's one thing Democrats are all about, it's civility.

Very apropos of Reagan's policies, the Republicans seem to be counting on the trickle-down from LoveFest to lather President Bush in goodwill. Probably to his political benefit, the President's prior G8 committments in Georgia have probably helped to keep him clear of any perceived "milking" of Reagan's passing. Bush has done enough invoking of the Reagan prior to the political pontiff's death to get him whatever traction this memorial week might provide.

In the end, both sides will dismiss the other as spin -- and both sides, for once, will be right.
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