June 17, 2004

HRC endorses Kerry... over Clinton

The Human Rights Campaign yesterday announced their endorsement of John Kerry for President. HRC President Cheryl Jacques kicked off the release with apropos approbations: "From voting against the Defense of Marriage Act to actively opposing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' John Kerry is a true leader for our community." The next paragraph hammers the point home again, noting that Kerry was one of 14 Senators to oppose DOMA and testified against "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Without question, John Kerry is the right choice for the HRC, but their spotlight issues make for an insteresting choice: they're products of the Clinton Administration. Democrats defend the former President by noting that there were political forces at work that forced his hand, but the HRC backs up Kerry on that one too -- Kerry was the only one of the fourteen anti-DOMA senators who was up for re-election. If memory serves, Clinton was on the ballot that year as well.

There is no shortage of comparison points to address between the two candidates, but HRC's press release seems to argue not that Kerry is better than Bush, but that Kerry is better than Clinton... was?

I'll give HRC a break, though, because it's hard to compare Kerry and Bush on the GLBT issue du jour, same-sex marriage. They both oppose it.
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