June 25, 2004

GOP Leadership walks... away... slowly...

Following allegations that he took his then-wife Jeri Ryan to a string of sex clubs, Illinois Senate hopeful Jack Ryan is now officially pondering his options, according to CNN.

The allegations originally met with supportive statements from Republican colleagues in the Sucker State (I swear, that's one of their nicknames), which led Democrats to chide the supportive Republicans, reminding them of their not so supportive statements toward a certain former President turned author.

Majority Leader Bill Frist took a step back Thursday by noting that while he respects Jack Ryan the "committed public servant," he is disappointed in Jack Ryan the alleged sex club addict.

It seems as if Ryan's campaign (and the Republican Leadership) are laying the groundwork for his quiet exit from the race - probably the smart move. Considering Ryan originally told the press that the records contained nothing embarrassing, Republicans (especially Congressional ones) could only have defended the embattled candidate for so long without it coming back to bite them.

Especially during "My Life" kick-off week.
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