June 23, 2004

Frist isn't making it easy? Say it isn't so.

Senator Kerry expressed his frustration yesterday over the Republican leadership's decision to delay a pivotal vote on veterans benefits scheduled for Tuesday.

The Presidential hopeful scrapped his campaign schedule to travel to Washington and cast his vote in favor of the veterans' health bill, which was scheduled for a vote yesterday afternoon. Kerry was hoping to parlay his time in DC to garner support from the key veteran constituency, but was thwarted by Republican scheduling changes. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist didn't hide his displeasure at Kerry "parachuting in" for the vote, although he denied delaying the vote to mess with the presumptive nominee's schedule.

If the Kerry Campaign thought that the Senate Republicans would welcome him home to cast a triumphant vote, though, he needs a smarter team. While his 20% voting attendance record this year hasn't had much traction in the mainstream media, it's certainly a sticking point inside the Capitol building.

Republicans are no doubt enjoying the opportunity to use the Senate's schedule to tweak the Junior Senator from Mass., but it's the Democrats who actually have a reason to be frustrated. Their move last month to extend unemployment benefits lost by one vote.

One guess who wasn't there.
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