June 23, 2004

Big Sky, Big Reach.

Democrats are reaching again. After Nebraska Dems called shenanigans on Rep. Lee Terry's Madonna-centric fundraiser, their friends up north have made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the State Department on Tuesday, asking for "all documents, e-mails and other communications" regarding Montana Rep. Denny Rehberg's recent trip to Kazakhstan, Roll Call reports.

Rumors of impropriety were first lodged at the Congressman by an anonymous tipster to Roll Call's Heard on the Hill gossip column, who alleged that Rehberg tossed back "some 20 shots of vodka, ran into the woods, returned on a horse, fell over (stumbling drunk) was trampled on by another horse" and broke three ribs.

What the Montana Democrats will glean from the food menus and alcohol consumption data they've asked for from the State Department is unknown, but Rehberg's office denies (most of) the allegations. His office says that while he did fall off a horse, he wasn't drunk. Apparently, he's a lightweight; Roll Call quotes him as saying that he'd be "dead" after drinking that much vodka.

Oh, and for the record, he only broke two ribs, not three - so there.

Perhaps Montana Dems are jealous of the current Jack Ryan divorce scandal and are looking for their own golden ticket into the Capitol. Before they can make this volley work, however, they're going to have to get through a couple hurdles: 1) Montanans will have to start caring about what happens in Kazakhstan; and 2) Montanans will need to forget about the time they themselves got drunk and fell off a horse.

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