January 12, 2005

Tragedy in Journalism

Although I'm giving his column more attention that it deserves, Guy Adams writes a guest column for RenewAmerica.com that completely misstates the law for what can only be described as deplorable scare tactics.

Now, I have no problem with sensible arguments against anything. Although I might disagree with them, there are certainly sensible arguments to make against non-discrimination laws - they were made in the 60's and they're still rational (albeit wrong) today. Mr. Adams uses none of these.

He writes about the "Tragedy in Illinois," the passage of a non-discrimination law that includes sexual orientation and gender identity. He blames the Democrats for the law (rightly so, although I think the other side calls it "thanks") and suggests that if you've ever voted for one, you've likely been kept up at night by the cries of murdered babies.

Insomnia aside, he gets back on track (I use the term loosely) by noting:
"If company has fifteen or more employees, they will now be compelled by law to hire a representative percentage of gays, just like they must hire a representative percentage of minorities. This includes CHURCH employees. Wicked, truly wicked."
I can only say that this is completely invalid. Yes, the law applies only to businesses with 15 employees or more. But no where in Illinois law are you required to hire minorities. Granted, you can't NOT hire someone simply because they are black, handicapped or gay, but you're not required to seek them out to fill out your stable.

Mr. Adams suggests that the law would include church employees. Another completely invalid claim; the Illinois law exempts churches, although those of the Christian variety should already practice non-discrimination, it's an important facet of the faith.

Overall, it's the same law that's been passed by fourteen other states, and protects gay Illinoians from being fired for a personal trait over which they have no control.

In truth, the only Illinois protected class that exists based on a choice is the only one Mr. Adams would likely fight for: religion.

January 06, 2005

"Let he who is without sin..."

The Los Angeles Times reports this week that parents at an Orange County Catholic School are threatening to remove their kids from the school if the two sons of a gay couple aren't kicked out. The school stands behind its decision to enroll the kids, and the parents of the controversial enrollees haven't issued any statements to the press. That fact, however, didn't stop parent Monica Sii from suggesting that the "boys are being used as pawns by these men to further their agenda."

None of this is surprising. Not in the least. Nor is the parents' desire to require not only that all students, but all parents follow the strict guidelines of the church. The problem, as with every "the Bible says so" argument, comes in the details. Enacting such a pledge would require the removal of any students whose parents have ever divorced, used contraception, engaged in oral sex... the list goes on.

Now, aside from the divorce issue, the others can't be as readily proven as the simple fact that a kid has two dads. So basically we end up with a pledge that kicks out a few kids and requires a whole herd of parents to swear they don't engage in un-Catholic behavior in the bedroom - because what parent really wants to tell their kids that they have to switch schools because daddy wears a rubber?
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